Morbo di Alzheimer - come riconoscere i sintomi

Morbo di Alzheimer è una forma di demenza, una malattia degenerativa del cervello in cui si restringe il cervello. Anche se la scienza medica fa passi verso la curare il morbo di Alzheimer, non non c'è nessuna cura all'orizzonte in questo momento. Alcuni trattamenti medici sembrano diminuire alcuni dei sintomi in piccola misura. Società anticipa generalmente che gli studi futuri troverà una cura che riparerà il danno fatto nelle menti dei nostri cari e i cuori di coloro che si prendono cura di loro.

Si noti che non tutti i pazienti presentano tutti i sintomi, e mentre ci sembrano essere dieci categorie di sintomo principale, ci sono anche tre fasi o gradi di gravità. I pazienti sono varie nelle loro risposte ai sintomi, rispondendo con la negazione, incolpare gli altri per i risultati delle loro azioni, per disperazione o di disperazione e di cedere alla inevitabilità.

3 Fasi di progressione dei sintomi del morbo di Alzheimer:

o Early-scena, conosciuto anche come lieve-scena: inizio della perdita di abilità cognitive diventa evidente, anche se l'individuo può ancora funzionare.

o. Mid-stage, conosciuto anche come fase di moderata: declino su larga scala delle facoltà mentali a partire. Fisicamente il paziente comincia a perdere il tono muscolare e coordinamento, causando loro di iniziare a fare affidamento su caregivers sia fisicamente che emotivamente.

o tardo-scena, conosciuto anche come grave-scena: qui si sviluppa una situazione più problematica con un completo deterioramento della personalità così come di funzioni corporee, causando un'ancora più forte affidamento sulle badanti.

Sintomi del morbo di Alzheimer 10

o dimenticanza o perdita di memoria - come i progressi di fasi così fa l'intensità.
o difficoltà con il pensiero astratto - numeri diventati molto problematico o disorientamento - è possibile perdersi nel loro quartiere. Perdono il loro senso di ora, data e anche riconoscimento dei loro dintorni.
o problemi con lingua - semplice parole sono dimenticati e la frustrazione di cercando di ricordare loro di solito viene espresso con rabbia a quello che stai parlando a; l'individuo può utilizzare frasi descrittive. Se si sta chiedendo per una forchetta può cominciano che descrive ciò che la forcella fa per ottenere il punto attraverso. o povero sentenza - bad spesso decisioni come individuo sembra ancora nella loro "giusta mente" agli altri. Un caso recente nel Massachusetts incentrato questo problema: un ministero fu costretto a tornare oltre un milione di dollari per una donna la cui famiglia ha preso a Corte. Il Ministero era ignaro che il donatore era una vittima dei sintomi del morbo di Alzheimer e in grado di giudicare le sue azioni completamente.
o Difficoltà performante familiare compiti - grado di accendere la televisione o usare il telefono.
cambiamenti di umore/comportamento o - potrebbero verificarsi estremi in cambiamenti di umore senza spiegazione.
o cambiamenti nella personalità - diventa più dipendenti da badante, oltre a essere timorosi, sospettoso e confuso.
o perdere le cose - entrambi pelli e smarrisce le cose, a volte accusa gli altri di rubare loro quando essi non ricordo nasconderle.
o mancanza di partecipanti - diventa molto passiva come la malattia progredisce, finalmente trascorrere ore guardando la TV o dormire.

Morbo di Alzheimer può essere diagnosticata solo da personale medico. Tuttavia, conoscere i sintomi, soprattutto in una famiglia dove la malattia si è verificata nelle generazioni precedenti, può aiutare altri membri della famiglia essere preparati per tempi inevitabilmente difficili.
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - come riconoscere i sintomi

Morbo di Alzheimer - come può gestire Caregivers paziente rabbia?

Malati di Alzheimer esprimono la loro indignazione da urlare, bestemmiando, spingendo, spintoni, agitando le braccia e in alcuni casi, buttare le cose. Questi comportamenti non solo disturbano gli altri, sono minacciate da loro. Gli operatori sanitari devono imparare a gestire la rabbia per garantire la sicurezza di tutti. Ho imparato questo quando ero caregiver familiare di mia madre.

Per nove anni, mi sentivo come mia madre stava morendo davanti ai miei occhi. Il genitore intelligente, sensibile, calmo della mia infanzia divenne aggressivo verbalmente e fisicamente. Sua conversazione era costellata di parolacce e mi ha scioccato quando lei gridò, "Andare all'inferno!" Ero stupito quando il personale assisted living mi ha detto che lei è stato coinvolta in una lotta di pugno. Ero imbarazzato quando lei ha rubato orsacchiotto di qualcuno.

Chi era questa persona?

Poco a poco, ho imparato a dire la differenza tra la rabbia di confusione e la rabbia di autodifesa. Secondo la "Anger Management terapia per demenza pazienti," un articolo sul sito Web di risposte 4 morbo di Alzheimer, alcuni pazienti diventano così arrabbiati che smettere di parlare. Altri urlare e gesto concitato quando diventano sconvolti. Terapia di gestione di rabbia, la capacità di capire le conseguenze e reindirizzare la rabbia, aiuta alcuni pazienti.

Ma il problema con la terapia di gestione di rabbia è che la persona ha per ricordarla. Mia madre a malapena riusciva a ricordare il suo nome. Dal punto di vista del caregiver, anger management può apparire come sforzo futile. Se la terapia può essere solo parzialmente riuscita, dice l'articolo "qualsiasi progresso è indubbiamente utile."

Rabbia può essere un segno di sundowning, il tardo pomeriggio cambiamenti di umore, agitazione, paura, ritmo e a dondolo che molti pazienti esperienza. Dopo che mia madre ha minacciato di scappare suo medico lei trasferita a cure infermieristiche. Mamma pensato che lei aveva messo in un istituto mentale ed era furioso. Quando ho visitato il suo un pomeriggio ho osservato il suo comportamento di sundowning. Ha percorsa in avanti e indietro e guardò fuori dalla finestra, nervosamente. Le conversazioni più tardi ha rivelato che stava avendo allucinazioni.

Un comportamento simile è descritto in un articolo, "Sindrome di nomadi," pubblicato su a posto il morbo di Alzheimer per il sito Web di mamma. Gli operatori sanitari possono dissipare rabbia attaccando a una routine, dieta di monitoraggio, controllo del rumore, tende a lasciare che la luce, di apertura e ruotando su più luci. Reindirizzando la persona (la lettura a lui o lei, suonando musica soft, dando loro un bicchiere di succo) può anche aiutare.

Esercizio aiuta anche a placare la rabbia, secondo la "gestione dei comuni sintomi e problemi, un articolo sul sito Web di aiuto guida. Ma deve essere propositivo e regolare esercizio fisico. Mia madre non piaceva l'attività di esercizio, eppure ha partecipato in loro. Un'attività coinvolte seduto in un cerchio e lanciare una palla. "Non credo che io posso prendere una palla?" ha chiesto.

Nelle fasi successive della malattia i malati di Alzheimer possono diventare belligerante e aggressivo. Gli operatori sanitari devono proteggere malati di Alzheimer di danneggiare se stessi, le note di articolo. Provocato, come si può essere (e mia madre mi ha certamente provocato), non rispondere di accuse, confrontarsi con la persona o discutere il comportamento arrabbiato. "La persona con demenza non può riflettere sul loro comportamento inaccettabile e non può imparare a controllarlo."

Avere un aiuto, se il paziente è eccessivamente aggressivo. Si può anche dire, "Devo lasciare ora, ma tornerà più tardi," e a piedi. Gli operatori sanitari devono mantenere la calma e di cercare modelli di aggressione, come la rabbia di sundowning. Ricordate, rabbia deriva deriva dalla malattia e non la persona.

Copyright 2010 da Harriet Hodgson
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - come può gestire Caregivers paziente rabbia?

Alzheimer's - Finding the Right Treatment Plan

Over the past 8 years, my family has been dealing with signs and symptoms of Alzheimer's in my Mom who is now 86. Initially, with her forgetfulness and not recognizing someone right away, we thought, you know she is getting old; she is entitled to not being right every now and then, heaven knows we forget from time to time ourselves. But the frequency of these signs started occurring on a regular basis. My Mom was initially taken to a geriatric psychiatrist in NH where she lived. The Dr. prescribed a drug called Aricept, the one you see most of the time on TV commercials. This drug with its popularity sounded promising, but after a couple years of trying this medication, there were no significant signs of improvement. She also suffered many of the side effects associated with this medication i.e. dizziness, upset stomach, nausea, trouble eating, and sleeping disorders.

In 2005, my Mom desperately needed knee replacement surgery on her right knee. The operation was successful; however, there was a drastic change in my Mom's memory and behavior. My Mom would hide her purse and wallet, thinking everyone wanted to steal it. She could never remember where it was hidden and would accuse family members of taking it. In addition to the stealing and hiding, she became very paranoid. She needed all the window shades drawn and the outside doors locked late in the afternoon everyday. The level of anxiety and agitation she displayed became more heightened. She would get up and down from her chair to check the windows and locks and repeat herself over and over asking everyone if the doors were locked. Just in general, she was up and down and would never stay still for any period of time. She was like the Ever Ready Bunny, i.e. she kept going and going. I was exhausted just watching her and I am 35 years younger. She had always been physically active walking and exercising. She took good care of herself eating right, baked or broiled, chicken and fish and lots of vegetables. She religiously took her vitamins and supplements every morning with a bowl of homemade oatmeal sprinkled with bran on top, a glass of half prune and half orange juice mixed together, yogurt and a cup of coffee.

My Mom was an old-fashioned cook, making everything from scratch. Her nickname was Betty, aka Betty Crocker, making sure there were three balanced meals made everyday with desserts. These meals were not your simple toast and coffee. I am talking bacon and eggs, homemade blueberry muffins, pancakes, homemade oatmeal, percolated coffee, roast beef sandwiches from the prior night's dinner for lunch with homemade soups, homemade cookies, then homemade spaghetti sauce and spaghetti for dinner with bread, salad and more desserts, like apple or blueberry pie with ice cream. For the holidays, she out did herself making numerous cakes, pies, breads, cookies, fudge, and other various desserts along with all the main meal's homemade items. She made enough food to feed an army, our family, friends and neighbors. If you can believe it, we were all pencil thin, the good old days for sure. This cooking exercise was my Mom's regular routine for over 60 years until Alzheimer's hit. At that point, she had difficulty remembering how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Also as part of my Mom's regular routine, she cleaned, cleaned and cleaned, using Ammonia, Clorox, Pinesol, Lysol, Windex and Pledge. Did your love one use any of these products? I sometimes wonder if there is a link with these products or a combination thereof and Alzheimer's. Or is there a correlation with the bleached sugar used in all the desserts we ate? Or the Crisco and butter?

Back to the surgery, a few year's after the surgery, I learned that being heavily sedated, i.e. under anesthesia can cause Alzheimer's to progress more rapidly. I had also heard in more recent years that if surgery is necessary in an Alzheimer's patient, inquire on whether or not a spinal block could suffice or if there are various levels of anesthesia, maybe a lower dosage. My Mom required a second knee replacement in 2008. This surgery advanced the Alzheimer's to an almost uncontrollable state with full-on hallucinations and delusions, screaming fits. My Mom after surgery didn't believe she was in a hospital or that she had been through surgery. With all the wires and monitors, she thought someone had pulled her house apart and was doing construction. She screamed that she was going to sue for wrecking her house. She yanked out her IV and next tried her catheter. While in the hospital, 24/7 nurse bed watch was required. I believe that her pain medication OxyContin attributed to her crazy uncontrollable behavior. We had never seen her in this psychotic state. That medication in my mind was not for her. After being released from the hospital and into a nursing rehabilitation center, she gained control of some of her senses but not all. A doctor at the rehabilitation facility introduced more sedating medication like Seroquel and Lorazepam. Her downtime from this surgery seemed miraculous. She was capable of walking almost instantaneously with no pain. I believe that the Alzheimer's numbed that part of the brain in charge of pain, no brain no pain. My Mom continued on low doses of Lorazepam,.5 mg and Seroquel, 25-30 mg. These medications were used to quiet her symptoms of agitation and anxiety which occurred late in the afternoon and early evening. These symptoms later became known to us as the Alzheimer's symptoms for sundowning. Going from light to dark triggers a reaction in the brain that causes agitation.

For the next year, my Mom's legs strengthened, but her mind and behavior declined. The decline may be attributed to insufficient social interaction. I have been told that social interaction for Alzheimer patients is very beneficial and therapeutic, adult daycare centers specializing in Alzheimer's is a good avenue to pursue. Seek daycares that have programs involving physical exercise, mind games, eye, hand coordination activities e.g. arts and crafts. Also, ensure that the facility has some type of security or wander band should your loved one become confused and walk away.

My Mom, on the other hand, was being watched by only one family member and received limited visitors. In March 2009, my younger brother and I became jointly responsible for my Mom's health which at that time, I brought her to CA. I was eager to have her here, because I felt that California's medical care surpassed that in many other states. My belief is based upon our elderly population. We have a greater population due to our weather and state size. CA also has the greatest number of doctors of any state due to size. I am also surrounded by many retirement communities.

One notable event that occurred while travelling by air from Boston to Los Angles, half-way through our flight, my Mom flipped out. What I mean is, she started screaming, swearing, kicking, hitting and pulling my hair. She got out of her seat and started aggressively charging towards first class. She thought she was at a job that she held more than twenty years ago. She wanted to speak to the bosses because she didn't know where all the products went that they had made. With the assistance of 4 flight attendants and paging a doctor, my Mom was brought back to her seat but would not sit down; they walked her up and down the aisle to calm her. My Mom carried on for the remainder of the flight and when we started approaching Los Angeles, she would not sit down for landing. The doctor, a geriatric psychiatrist seating diagonal to us helped to seat her. We both held her down for landing. The flight attendants were going to use a straight jacket. I was never so scared or embarrassed. I thought my Mom would sleep the entire flight since I choose a direct evening flight.

After this episode and finally returning home and getting settled, I did my research to seek programs available for people with Alzheimer's. I had the good fortune to speak with a Program Director at our local Adult Senior Daycare Center. The woman I spoke to provided me with names and telephone numbers of medical resources to contact to have my Mom evaluated. Prior to this time, no one really medically evaluated her. My Mom went to the doctor's every several months and family members talked about her condition, but there was no real testing. The appointment time would probably last 15 minutes tops every 6 months to a year. No one ever explained anything to us or what direction we should go. There was no Alzheimer's map. Now, the next set of events was the most valuable and sped up the finding of a successful treatment plan in a matter of a few months.

1. My Mom went to a Neurologist who ordered that a MRI, blood work, and a genetic test be performed called the Apolipoprotein E Genotype. There is a genetic marker that seems to be prevalent in most people with Alzheimer's, it could be all patients but I don't remember exactly. If you are tested for this marker, and have it, it doesn't mean that you will have Alzheimer's if I understood the Doctor's explanation correctly, so double check if you have it done. If you have a parent with Alzheimer's, you have a 50/50 chance of having Alzheimer's too.

2. The Neurologist also had an Internal Medicine doctor perform an extensive memory test. This test was more intensive and longer than what is called the Folstein Mini Mental Test. The Folstein Test is a good test to try at home and as a doctor's follow-up evaluation. I found this link below that had a good example of the Folstein test.

3. Once all the tests results were evaluated, my Mom was placed on several prescription medications to begin the trial and error process to determine which medication(s) would work best. Medications work differently with each person. It was also explained to me that my Mom could have Lewy Body, and not Alzheimer's. The words Lewy Body were completely foreign to me. What the heck was Lewy Body? Lewy Body has the hallucinations and sleep disorders along with other symptoms and falls into the Parkinson family. A definitive diagnosis cannot be made, unless a brain autopsy is performed upon death.

4. My Mom was initially prescribed Namenda, Exelon, COQ10 (400 mg) and a low dosage of Seroquel. The Doctor had said it would take awhile for the medications to get into her system and take affect before the result could be determined. For the next few weeks, I thought I had Dr. Jeckal and Mr. Hyde living with me. My Mom didn't sleep, she thought my Dad was still living and she would scream "Where is he?" She thought my 50 year old brother was 6 with the Mumps and would scream "Where did he go, he is very sick with a high fever?" Ever few minutes I became a different person to her. She would ask "Where did the other person go that was just here?" You could never convince her that you were the same person. Or that her kids were all grown up. She lives in the past when she was a young girl and her Mom was still alive. My Grandmother has been dead for over 50 years. My Mom would go to my son's room and ask him where his parents were and how could they leave him here. She told him not to eat the food it was poisoned. My Mom rarely slept, which meant I didn't sleep. My house has lots of stairs so I was nervous my Mom would get out of bed and go roaming and maybe fall. I slept right next to her or tried. My Mom would put clothes over her pajamas when she got dressed. I became so frazzled you would have thought I was the patient. I finally called the Doctor after a couple weeks and conveyed everything to him. He said some things were symptoms of Alzheimer's and some were side effects of the medications. Now how was I suppose to know what was what. I asked if my Mom could be checked into a facility where they could monitor the various introductions of medications and behaviors to come up with which ones would work. When he said yes, that was all I needed to hear.

5. The hospital facility has a unit that is for the sole purpose of assessing a dementia patient and deriving at a treatment plan. This unit is comprised of a team of Psychiatrists, Internal Medicine Doctors, Social Workers, Physical Therapists and Nurses. The Team works with a small group of patients in an assisted care type of environment. They have a calendar of daily events that the patients participate in. For example, there are exercises, arts and crafts, brain games and afternoon movies. The patient is observed 24/7 for a period of 2 weeks. Each week the team meets to discuss each patient's progress and whether or not the prescribed medications are working or if medication modification is necessary.

6. A psychiatrist meets every day with each patient. The patients wear their normal street clothes and a wander bracelet for safety. During the first 3 days of treatment; it is recommended that family members do not visit. The purpose of no visitation is to assess the patient's true behavior. This type of program is needed and should be available in every city and state throughout America in every hospital. The program only takes patients 55 years old and up. This particular Facility's program should be used as the model to replicate everywhere.

7. At the conclusion of the 2 week stay, they were able to keep my Mom calm so she wasn't up and down and roaming all over and would sleep through the night. My Mom even participated in some classes. She thought she was in school and asked when she was getting her report card. The combination of medication this time around consisted of Namenda, Depakote, Lorazepam, Seroquel, this dosage went from 25 milligrams to a 300 mg time released formula. Everything seemed to be going well until I brought her home. She became very anxious and didn't know who I was. She thought that I was poisoning everything and was going to kill her and my son. When she bathed, she couldn't believe she wasn't turning blue. She came out of the bathroom naked. She said the audience was going to be mad at her. I immediately paged the Doctor and had spoken to him a few times prior. At this point, he said to bring her back. When we arrived at the hospital, my Mom knew something was going on and didn't want to go into the building. She ran from me. The hospital is on a busy street so I naturally panicked. After pretending, I was leaving, I got back into the car and she eventually got in. I drove to the back of the hospital where the team was waiting.

8. My Mom stayed another 2 weeks. During this time she was given a drug called GEODON, 40 mg. After seeing her on this drug, I thought she was cured. She was acting normal, and coherent, and spoke logically. I couldn't believe it. This drug along with the prior medications in 4 seemed to do the trick. My Mom acted normal with me during the remainder of her stay with me in CA. In the middle of August 2009, I transported her to St. Louis to stay with my brother. We share her jointly. I stayed in St. Louis for 2 weeks to ensure the transition would go smoothly.

Another noteworthy event was the flight to St. Louis. My Mom started to act somewhat crazy. She wanted scissors to cut her seat belt so she could get out. She kept fidgeting trying to get it to release. I had placed her in a window seat and made her stay seated until we landed. I tried my best to keep her distracted. Thank God we were close to landing. I think there is something that happens with the brain at high altitudes or under the condition of being in a compressed air environment. I asked the doctors, but no one could answer. Maybe the oxygen supply becomes thinner like when you climb a mountain. I believe there is a direct link with the brain and a person with Alzheimer's behavior so don't transport someone alone, like I did and if you can travel by ground do so.

9. Since my Mom has been in St. Louis and under my brother's care, she was approved as a candidate for a trial research drug program for Eli Lilly. It is approximately a 2 year program. The test medication has gone through many prior test trial programs. The programs have seen much success with the drug. This drug attacks the plaque in the brain and breaks it down. The plaque build-up is what expert believe causes Alzheimer's. My Mom receives an infusion every month. We don't know for sure if she is the patient receiving the actual medication or the placebo, but we believe that she is getting the drug. After the infusion, she becomes very alert and sometimes wakes up during the night. Since being on this trial program though my Mom has lost over 40 pounds and has more or less stopped eating sufficient meals. She is consuming protein shakes which contain 25 grams of protein along with other vitamins and minerals, bananas, berries, vegetable powder, ice cream or yogurt. She drinks these twice a day along with drinking a couple Ensures. We are not sure if her lack of appetite is due to the medication, progression of the disease, or a change in her environment. Her Doctor is okay with her current weight. She keeps asking "When am I going home, my Mother is looking for me." My Mom has incontinence and constipation and needs full assistance bathing and dressing. She has fallen a few times due to not always using a walker to steady her gait.

In conclusion, is there any real cure? No. Is there a treatment plan that can work? Yes, however, depending if you take the one doctor one drug at a time approach it may take a lifetime to find out what works and doesn't work and you may end up in the hospital from stress and fatigue. I recommend the team facility approach to expedite results. If Alzheimer's runs in you family, make sure to get a Durable Power of Attorney for Health and Finance and a Will and Living Will put in place early while you are still deemed competent for your health and finance. Also specify your wishes for facility placement should your care become too overwhelming for your family or caregiver. If you have assets, you may wish to gift them early to your heirs, the rule is 5 years or more so they are not taken for payment to get into a facility. There are also rules to qualify for Medicaid. If you are over the threshold but cannot pay 100% of a facility's monthly amount, Medicaid may kick in the difference which falls under paying for the Medically Needy. Medicaid has monthly income and asset thresholds. Check with your state to find out how much those thresholds are. You can normally find this information online.

I have a survey that I created to see if there is any correlation with a person's environment, foods they ate, cleaning fluids or chemicals they may have been exposed to. I am not a doctor or in the medical field, but I feel that if I could see all the data, I may be able to determine if there are any correlations with everyone, what is the common denominator. Doctors are working on curing Alzheimer's and not what is causing it. If you would like to participate with this survey, please email me at Or if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me. As always, let's thank our everyday Heroes, our military, firefighters, police force and especially our doctors, nurses, paramedics, caregivers, etc. Thank you!!!! Hero Cards, Inc. ( )

For more information on Alzheimer's, please go to the Alzheimer's Association website.
READ MORE - Alzheimer's - Finding the Right Treatment Plan

Alzheimer's - Caregiving To Parents, Would You, Could You, Should You

Are you cut out for caregiving? Is Alzheimer's disease within your midst, prodding thoughts on how best to soothe your degenerating parent? Whether the latter resides with you, or at assisted-living or nursing residences, both of you require sustenance.

Having been her full-time caregiver, I am grateful that my Alzheimer's-affected mother, Mary, bestowed upon me that privilege. Over the past decade, I concentrated on fulfilling her palliative needs. When she died a few months ago, I was overwhelmed by mingled sorrow and awe. The realization kept striking me, how often her unconditional love for me had poured through her, despite her eroded brain. I would never have been graced with potent, surfacing expressions of my mother's devotion, had I not chosen the role of dominant guardianship.

Is an inchoate call nudging you, to minister to your elder's suffering, within close proximity to pain, on a round-the-clock basis? Knowledge is key.

(A) Self-Query Per Four Considerations:

Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. The length and intensity of the affliction, and the individual's behavior patterns vary. Insurance eligibility barriers and insufficient income exacerbate an already worrisome situation. It's reported that close to $175,000 (and it's escalating) in subsistence costs will be expended during an Alzheimer's patient's lifetime. Currently, since 2002, the number of cases has crested to five million from four million. More families feel submerged by conflicted goals. Let's contemplate if an at-home program seems feasible for you as primary attendant.

First, Your Sense of Purpose: Does the thought of home care evoke a feeling of vocation -- or of obligation? Is your relationship with your parent such, that old inner wounds have healed, and will not jeopardize pragmatic chores? Will you respond with patience, fortitude, compassion? Is your genuine motive, guilt or filial love? Will other immediate kin feel displaced, by the necessary ferocity of focus you will direct towards the invalid?

Your Aptitude For Tending: Would you stay motivated, during periods -- and there will be -- when siblings, relatives, friends, cannot or will not proffer support? Do you think you could operate devices such as those testing blood sugar? Are you too squeamish to handle injections, bathing, dressing, feeding the shut-in? You love your parent, but do you like her or him -- like enough, to alleviate the heavy boredom that threatens to plunge the bed-ridden one into despair? Would you read the newspaper to your father, despite the fact you've only had two hours sleep, after allaying his fears all night? Would you amuse your mother with silly jokes, while secretly dispirited, having just deciphered the latest lab reports on her impairment? Would you remind yourself during a crisis, when your ward rebuffs, even insults you, that it is the sickness babbling, not your revered parent? Do you emanate balance, trusting when to insist on rules, and when to deviate? Is there adequate discipline in you to organize doctor appointments, and adhere to fixed intervals for administering medications? Would you be capable of dealing at times, with an ungovernable mind, yours as well as the dependent's?

Your Resilience: Do you experience claustrophobia, whereby being detained bedside, for hours on end, would affect you adversely? Have you the stamina to push a wheelchair through a mall? Do you possess the physical vigor to lift your parent from chair to bed to chair to bed, ad infinitum, during the day? Do you have creative inner resources, that will help you muster fun and laughter for the both of you? For example, I refused to view my mother as a victim; she was hampered by Alzheimer's but not solely defined by it. Humor and lightheartedness, her essence, would always be a part of her life, I had vowed.

Your Learning Capacities: Does a daily routine, a highly structured life, bore or benefit you? Would you consider yourself informed, avid for geriatric study, so that you may confer confidently with specialists, per their diagnoses and recommendations?

Also, could you separate your loved one from the realm of statistics? Would you uncover the degree to which this unique individual emits what I term an "R and T" factor -- being Reachable and Teachable? To my delight, my mother diligently recited her name, Mary, and recalled it ever after. Would you instruct a resilient, and willing parent? My mother had been an independent person. Confirming my instincts, she welcomed avenues, however minor, in which I could relinquish control to her. I would cut her food, then produce a serving spoon, with which she could scoop the morsels and steer them to her mouth. When radically enfeebled her last few weeks, confined to the armchair she favored over hospital-type beds, she let me curl her fingers around the utensil. Subtly I guided her hand, so that she felt she was feeding herself. It will startle you, witnessing a muted personality heralding itself against immense odds on rare occasions.

Your Modified Relationship: Could you bear living with someone you know, who doesn't know you? Will you accept your unsettling new identity, as a stranger who now must earn affection, formerly an offspring's entitlement? Will you risk interactions, with someone you love who will decide whether or not to love you back? Can you remain centered, even contented, in the present moment, where the dear one resides?

Thus, are you suited for caregiving? If so, and your desire to protect matches, if known, your parent's wishes, and your revenue sources accommodate the decision, you and your charge are truly blessed.

If circumstances dictate otherwise, such a boon is not exclusive to at-home environs. You may transfer home care skills to professional facilities. Your purposefulness in showering empathy, in your responsiveness to details others overlook, will matter indeed (visiting frequently, unwrapping treasures such as baby-soft blankets; re-adjusting the slant of mattress when you surmise your parent's discomfort; re-filling the water cup, quenching thirst before asked; scrutinizing the attentiveness of staff, or just sitting quietly, stroking his/her brow). Your fidelity immeasurably elevates the quality of living for an otherwise isolated, inactive, often speech-impaired frail being.

The proposals below may still be germane to your case, in feeding, guarding, and stabilizing conditions for your parent, during each of your encounters. Moreover, they reinforce the significance of self-care. Even if you dwell a sizeable distance from failing relatives, their fluctuating viability most likely weighs palpably on your mind, and you deserve to feel uplifted.

(B) Preparation:

Peruse magazines, books, and websites on the topic of caregiving. Seek out support groups, to heed the dilemmas and irony of parenting your own parent. If possible, enroll in a class on CPR techniques. Discuss with doctors, the merits of depression-screening to avoid confusion with dementia. Analyze visiting-nurse ramifications. If caregiving is not an option, appraise the value of Alzheimer's-geared assisted-living over nursing homes; go online and Google "Alzheimer's placement referral services" if need be.

Access intelligible articles from websites such as;; and Learn about an intriguing discovery, SORL 1, a potential gene factor that may trigger Alzheimer's. Discern activities appropriate for early stages, such as walking, or crossword puzzle-solving.

Investigate free transportation and other services, that governmental agencies implement. A few social, groups sponsor a one-day small "scholarship," meaning a paid, carefree caregiver's holiday spent any way envisioned -- buying a book, viewing a movie, dining in a café, whatever respite is most life-affirming for you.

Also, consult with close relatives and friends. Allow them to vent objections, and to reveal how they would like to contribute. The more everyone fathoms Alzheimer's disordered progression, and what to expect from each other, the more harmonious, the outcome.

(C) Appreciate Unforeseen Marvels:

Throughout your service to your parent, recognize the intangible jewels embedded in the experience. Yes, Alzheimer's brings beauty as well as burden.

Because you are supervising 24/7, you may witness wondrous occurrences unavailable to those who sporadically visit. Alzheimer's drowns memory. In my mother's case, I perceived that the insidious amnesia was not constant; forgetfulness flowed in waves. There were moments of billowing joy for us, when she suddenly would turn lucid, pat my cheek, utter my name, and hug me. Many days, weeks, months might ebb, before cognition upsurged again. Yet those idyllic moments of re-connection, sustained me.

(D) Accept Ends, And Beginnings:

As the disease advances, symptoms change, and no two illnesses mirror each other. The weakening effects of Alzheimer's may creep along or erupt in stunning form. A few weeks before my mother departed, her legs gave way with no forewarning. I am thankful that until then, she could enjoy shuffling to the wheelchair, with my aid. Before her last 24 months of tribulation, she displayed enough agility to stroll with me for morning "constitutionals" year after year.

At the preliminary levels of Alzheimer's, not just my mother but many others who remain mobile may tumble into terrifying phases of running away, or hiding. Only uninterrupted monitoring of their whereabouts will anchor them to safe surroundings. A childlike urge to pry goads them. If still strong, they might straddle the banister; climb out windows; toss a bowl at the t.v. screen to capture the attention of the people "trapped inside." They may become caught in the act of tasting inedible curiosities, such as a packet of dishwasher gel my mother chewed, which garnered her a swift visit to the hospital. You may have to re-think household design and customs. Clearing lower cabinets, fastening safety locks atop bathroom doors, inserting sturdy gates at stairways. At dinner, no chicken bones, no heavy glassware. How would you protect a toddler? Develop the same mind-set.

In the acute stages, a chronic pain inexplicably might vanish. Sometimes, your loved one may appear to rally, only to relapse, then re-group again. To avert a traumatic jolting from a false sense of hope, don't lose sight of the uninvited but inevitable big picture. Unless a new cure abruptly materializes, a medicine or miracle intervenes, overall direction for the invalid is downward. Whether you're religious or not, the well-known prayer, Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change what I can, and the wisdom to know the difference, proves consoling for many caregivers. I know it was and is for me. When the moment of parting arises, an awareness fortifies you, that you had provided, not just an efficient home-based hospice, but a haven, for your loved one.

In the days before her passing, for precious intervals, my mother would grip my wrist, while laboring to formulate the word "love." Our relationship had swirled full circle, with her maternal impulses roused, intent on emboldening me for whatever the future unveiled. Whether at the end she was asserting our biological ties or anointing me her "honorary" daughter, our link proves insoluble.

If you have spiritual inclinations, I encourage you to hold a constructive, even Bigger Picture in mind -- if you trust, as I do, in divine love, a tremendous reassurance will envelop you, With gratitude, we may sense that those whose passing we will mourn, shall explore a greater unseen eternal reality, savoring a vast capacity to be present to us, and cherish us. May you and your loved one resonate with peace.
READ MORE - Alzheimer's - Caregiving To Parents, Would You, Could You, Should You

Morbo di Alzheimer - grazia Aging nello specchio è una questione della mente

Il vecchio adagio, "età è una questione di mente," spesso mi ha incuriosito. Tuttavia, non era fino a quando ho imparato a conoscere la malattia di Alzheimer che mi sentivo tutte le implicazioni della frase.

Su un determinato mattina posso svegliarsi sentendo 16... va bene, forse non 16, ma almeno 26. Poi ci sono quelli occasionali altre mattine, quando Mr Arthur Itis (artrite) ad alta voce sta bussando alla porta del mio corpo. In quei momenti, giuro che io sono 86. Tuttavia, indipendentemente dal come giovane o vecchio mi sento, quando l'allarme radio comincia a baccano, il corpo deve muoversi in movimento in avanti. Purtroppo, questo è dove tutto ha inizio. Realtà imposta quando in rotta verso il bagno un muro di porte armadio con mirroring improvvisamente riflette la mia vera immagine. Io sussurrare "Ugh." Poi la voce di realtà urla, "56... tu sei cronologicamente 56 anni." Torna, urlare "bugiardo".

Ma da qualche parte nel mezzo, in uno spazio tra giovani e saggezza, perdere traccia ancora una volta. Mio telaio stanco si siede sul bordo del letto e mentalmente fa un elenco: (1) ho bisogno di svegliare i bambini; (2) Ho bisogno di fare colazione e imballare i loro pranzi; e (3) ho bisogno di loro a piedi in modo sicuro alla fermata dell'autobus. Non non c'è nessun modo, ho 56 anni. Io sono giovane di 36 anni e madre di tre figli in età scolare. O forse, solo forse io non sono. Potrebbe questi ultimi 20 anni hanno appena scivolato via? Gli specchi devono essere disteso. Se no, dove ha tutto il tempo andato?

La realtà dello specchio è anche molto riflettente della persona che è stata affette dal morbo di Alzheimer. Esso ha rubato la loro vita adulta, gli anni d'oro, e l'immagine riflettuto è davvero uno sconosciuto. Per una persona con il morbo di Alzheimer, il tempo è una questione di mente. Loro qui e ora è spesso il nostro passato e molto tempo fa. Figlie diventano madri e figli diventano padri. Per la maggior parte, sono nelle prime della loro vita e il pensiero di aver cresciuto i figli o nipoti spesso è inconcepibile.

Così, quando tua madre che è stata diagnosticata con morbo di Alzheimer, urla fuori, "Aiuto... qualcuno è nella mia stanza" o "c'è un estraneo in bagno", è la realtà dello specchio infame che sta giocando trucchi. Tuttavia, inquietante come questo può essere per voi, sua richiesta d'aiuto è la sua realtà. È necessario rispondere in modo amorevole e calmante. Non in contraddizione con lei e dichiarare che nessuno è lì. Ha insegnato meglio. Lei ha visto qualcuno che crede di essere reale. In questo frangente, un confronto è l'ultima cosa di cui che avete bisogno. Così, lei assicurare che si prenderà cura della situazione. Con calma reindirizzare a lei in una stanza diversa e tentare di coinvolgere lei in una semplice attività.

Si noti che la lunghezza completa specchi tendono ad essere i colpevoli più offensivi. C'è vita dimensioni persona dalla testa ai piedi, interpretato da lei. C'è una persona di dimensione di vita quando si muove in movimento e di essere ancora quando lei è ancora. Lei non riconosce se stessa. Infine lei piange ad alta voce, "chi sei tu? Non farmi del male. Aiutare qualcuno, aiutami!"

Specchi decorativi o vanità specchi sono meno offensivi, ma possono ancora causare una grande quantità di stress. L'immagine riflettente non è corposa, ma può ancora essere percepita come una minaccia. Una donna o un uomo con il morbo di Alzheimer potrebbe diventare combattivo presso il sito di questo sconosciuto.

Fortunatamente per me, mia perdita temporanea della realtà è sempre scosse me torna a mia vera età. Purtroppo, una persona con malattia di Alzheimer ha perso quell'abilità. Nella loro mente, essi sono molto più giovane e non riconoscono veramente la persona allo specchio. Così se siete prendersi cura di una persona cara con malattia di Alzheimer, fare un bilancio dei loro dintorni. Mentre è meglio rimuovere questi oggetti antagonistici, è comprensibile che non può essere fattibile. Di conseguenza, essere creativi. Attualmente, ci sono molti prodotti sul mercato che può mascherare uno specchio. Decalcomanie sono anche una buona soluzione per rompere le immagini riflettente. Infine, si potrebbe anche voler nastro su un collage di foto preferite per tutti di godere.
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - grazia Aging nello specchio è una questione della mente

Morbo di Alzheimer - attività della vita quotidiana

Attività di vita quotidiana o di ADL riferirsi alle attività quotidiane come la balneazione, evacuazione e mangiare. La maggioranza delle persone prenderla per concesso, ma un paziente affetto da malattia di Alzheimer non è possibile eseguire queste attività mondane senza l'assistenza di un'altra persona.

Paziente un morbo di Alzheimer richiederà un aiuto in queste attività della vita quotidiana, una volta che la malattia raggiunge le fasi intermedie, che è, in genere quattro anni dopo l'esordio della malattia. Un caregiver deve essere abbastanza attenti a fornire solo l'assistenza necessaria per l'una persona con il morbo di Alzheimer o la demenza e non fanno tutte le attività per la loro.

Sala da pranzo e mangiare:

Una persona con malattia di Alzheimer non può distinguere facilmente tra i colori. In parole semplici, lui o lei non sarà in grado di riconoscere un pezzo di pollo (colore bianco), servito su un piatto bianco. Quindi, è una buona idea per servire il cibo sulle tavole con colori contrastanti. È consigliato anche per rimuovere le decorazioni, se del caso, sul tavolo da pranzo per evitare confusione.

Se una persona mostra agitazione o comportamenti violenti durante il mangiare, quindi è una buona idea usare bicchieri e stoviglie infrangibili. Se il paziente è in grado di sedersi per lunghe ore per i pasti, si consideri che serve piccoli pasti si diffuse per tutta la giornata.

Evitare spoon feeding il paziente; invece, incoraggiare l'indipendenza nel paziente, anche se ci vuole più tempo per finire il pasto. Utilizzare un po' delle spezie per insaporire i cibi.

Incoraggiare il paziente il morbo di Alzheimer a bere liquidi e fluidi per tutta la giornata. Questo riduce al minimo il rischio di infezioni del tratto urinario e disidratazione. Utilizzare dei pasti come tempo sociale per discutere di attività e giocare alcuni musica leggera per lenire la circonda.


Doccia e bagno è una parte indispensabile della vita quotidiana, ed è probabile che il paziente un morbo di Alzheimer può senso suo spazio personale e indipendenza violati se l'altra persona cerca di aiutare a tali compiti profondamente personale. Agitazione, colpire, esplosioni vocali e urlando sono alcuni degli eventi comuni che si può sperimentare fornendo cura durante ADL.

Un paziente Alzheimer è meno probabile comprendere l'importanza di balneazione quotidiana. Incoraggiare il paziente a fare attività come svestirsi, girando su e fuori dall'acqua e lavaggio di sé stessa. Sempre mantenere tutte le cose pronto prima chiedete paziente il morbo di Alzheimer a visitare il bagno per la balneazione. Fornire assistenza solo se necessario e per salvaguardare il paziente.


Evacuazione può essere un compito difficile per il paziente un morbo di Alzheimer, che inizia dall'incapacità di trovare il bagno quando le superfici di stimolo. Il problema di evacuazione nel paziente un morbo di Alzheimer include anche incontinenza intestinale. Incontinenza intestinale è principalmente a causa di infezioni del tratto urinario, le variazioni nei farmaci e nell'ambiente.

Per aiutare il paziente Alzheimer, inserire schede di grande segno sul bagno. Utilizzare un sedile WC nero e posto le coperte colorate il colore del sedile WC a contrasto. Rimuovere tutti gli elementi che possono sviare i pazienti come trashcans.

Preparare un piano di evacuazione. Ricordare il paziente di utilizzo locale di riposo dopo ogni 2-3 ore. A piedi il paziente il bagno se egli non riesce a trovare il suo proprio. Non visualizza alcun comportamento negativo o li rimproverò in un evento di incontinenza. Rassicurare il paziente che cambiando i vestiti risolverà il problema.
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - attività della vita quotidiana

Morbo di Alzheimer - una malattia progressiva del cervello


Morbo di Alzheimer (AD), detta anche malattia di Alzheimer, e semplicemente conosciuto come il morbo di Alzheimer, è una malattia neurodegenerativa che, nella sua forma più comune, si trova nelle persone oltre i 65 anni di età. Malattia di Alzheimer è stata identificata come una proteina misfolding malattia o proteopathy, a causa di accumulo di anormalmente piegato A-beta e proteine tau nel cervello dei pazienti di annuncio.

Morbo di Alzheimer distrugge le cellule cerebrali, causando problemi con la memoria, il pensiero e comportamento abbastanza grave per influire sul lavoro, hobby permanente o vita sociale. Malattia di Alzheimer è il tipo più frequente di demenza negli anziani e colpisce quasi la metà di tutti i pazienti con demenza. Morbo di Alzheimer è una sfida di importanti per la salute pubblica, dal momento che l'età media della popolazione del mondo industrializzato sta aumentando gradualmente.

Diagnosi della malattia di Alzheimer

C'è una grande quantità di ottimismo che presto lo screening e la diagnosi della malattia di Alzheimer si tradurrà in trattamenti che possono ridurre alcuni dei fattori di rischio. Al momento della diagnosi, un individuo non è necessariamente nella fase iniziale della malattia; lui o lei può hanno progredito oltre la fase iniziale.

Conseguenza; per la maggior parte del XX secolo, la diagnosi della malattia di Alzheimer è stata riservata per gli individui di età tra 45 e 65 che ha sviluppato i sintomi di demenza. Nella maggior parte delle persone con la malattia le disabilità crescente nell'apprendimento e memoria porterà alla diagnosi, mentre in una piccola percentuale di loro difficoltà di lingua, esecutivo o visuoconstructional sarà più salienti.

Tuttavia, una diagnosi definitiva della malattia di Alzheimer come una particolare causa di demenza deve attendere esame microscopico del tessuto cerebrale; che generalmente si verifica all'autopsia e meno spesso con una biopsia del cervello di pre-mortem. Attenti test neuropsicologici può rivelare lieve Difficoltà cognitive anche otto anni prima un criteri clinici di poterla persona della diagnosi.

I sintomi

I sintomi di annuncio comprendono perdita di memoria, deterioramento di lingua, ridotta capacità di manipolare mentalmente informazioni visive, sentenza povero, confusione, irrequietezza e sbalzi d'umore. Ma i trattamenti per i sintomi, combinati con la destra, servizi e supporto, possono rendere la vita migliore per i milioni di americani vivono con morbo di Alzheimer. 30% dei pazienti sviluppano anche errori di identificazione illusori e altri sintomi delirante. Tutti questi sintomi probabilmente fanno di questo stadio più stressanti di tutti per parenti e custodi, aumentando la probabilità di finire l'assistenza domiciliare.


Trattamento medico tradizionale può dipendere la fase dello sviluppo della malattia. Modalità di trattamento comprendono consulenza, Psicoterapia (se il funzionamento cognitivo è sufficiente), terapia che ricorda, terapia di orientamento di realtà e del comportamento dei rinforzi, nonché formazione riabilitazione cognitiva. Il trattamento comprende alleviare i sintomi del paziente e di alleviare lo stress sul care givers attraverso gruppi di supporto e di servizi di consulenza.


Il decorso della malattia dal momento in cui che è diagnosticata a morte media è di circa 6-8 anni. Malattia di Alzheimer non può essere diagnosticata sicuramente dopo la morte, quando il cervello può essere esaminato attentamente per certi cambiamenti microscopici causati dalla malattia. Malattia di Alzheimer ha un enorme impatto a qualsiasi età. Con il nuovo trattamento suo più importante che mai che si riconoscono i primi sintomi e ottenere aiuto più presto.
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - una malattia progressiva del cervello

Alzheimer's - 7 Natural Ways to Prevent Or Mitigate Its Onset

Do you, like me, have a relative who suffers, or suffered with the subtly encroaching but deadly Alzheimer's? When my mother was diagnosed, I was devastated, but not surprised, as she had been deteriorating mentally for some time. What was really hard to take, though, was the prognosis for the disease. That there is no cure was an almost intolerable realisation. Knowing that she would never recover her faculties but instead deteriorate into a place where her body was still here but her personality - her individual Spark - was buried in a place none of her family could reach.

This personal experience pushed me into researching various supplements which have a track record of studies and medical evidence to verify their claims. Below, is a list of seven which have been proved in some way to mitigate or even possibly prevent this cruel condition. More investigation is always welcome, to validate and add to the existing evidence. There have been many studies already done on all the following supplements. As always, there is no substitute for medical intervention, however, if the least you can do is complement your diet and medication, then there may be the very real chance of beneficially affecting the condition. The list is as follows:

B Vitamins

There has been excitement in the health news lately about studies which have shown that elderly people, diagnosed as suffering with mild cognitive damage such as short term memory loss, or slight problems with language who were given the B vitamins folate, B6 and B12 over two years suffered much less brain shrinkage than the equivalent control group. (Research has shown that Alzheimer's sufferers have high levels of homocysteine, which can be blocked by vitamins B6 and B12)

People over 60 who suffer from mild cognitive impairment suffer brain shrinkage at twice the rate of the average brain - 1% a year, compared to 0.5% of an unaffected person. Persons diagnosed with Alzheimer's suffer up to 2.5% year shrinkage each year.

In this experiment, the people given the B vitamins had shrinkage of between 30-50% less than the control group! In studies since, the indication is that B vitamins in high doses may halve the rate of brain shrinkage in Alzheimer's sufferers.

Research into this has found that people with vascular disorders have high levels of the amino acid homocysteine. Homocysteine is created at elevated levels when the body has insufficient amounts of B12, folic acid or pyridoxine. This enzyme can damage arteries, cause strokes, heart attacks, and now researchers have associated it with a heightened risk of Alzheimer's disease. So, with not eating leafy greens and eating too much meat (which is a source of methionine which is converted to homocysteine) a lack of folate and other B vitamins in the diet will increase your risk.


Resveratrol is produced by plants as a protection again environmental stresses. It is an amazing substance, chock full of antioxidants. It is an anti-inflammatory; it protects the heart, and has cancer fighting properties. It has also been discovered, in laboratory experiments, to hamper the production of beta-amyloid protein, which is a key element in the amount of plaque found in persons who have died from Alzheimer's. In these experiments, Resveratrol actually encouraged the breakdown of this plaque, which meant that the source of the problem was removed.

Green Tea

Did you know that as well as being a fantastic source of antioxidants, Green tea has the ability to block the activity of the brain enzymes which have found to be linked with memory loss, and also the development of Alzheimer's? Although black tea is helpful, green tea has been found (in animal studies at Newcastle University), to block these enzymes for up to a week at a time by as much as 38%. Black tea had the same effect but only for one day. Another aspect was that they found that drinking green tea may have a beneficial effect on new learning.

Omega 3

Alzheimer's researchers have long recommended Essential Fatty Acids - a source of Omega 3 and other essential fatty acids - as being helpful in delaying or preventing the disease. The brains of Alzheimer's sufferers are known to contain lower levels of the protein LR11. The toxic plaques which build up in the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers is built up over time by amyloid proteins, the presence of which causes changes in neuritic processes - essentially our cognitive awareness and memory functions.

This particular fatty acid - Omega 3 - (called DHA, and is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain) is instructive in destroying this protein and preventing plaque build up. But your EFA's don't have to come just from oily fish or fish oil supplements (health intense though they are). To help in today's polluted world of dwindling fish stocks, supplement your essential Omega's and fatty acids from plant sources. For example, Flax Seed oil and Chia Seed oil are two of the highest plant sources of Omega 3, 6 and 9 available. Essential fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties, which will help as Alzheimer's sufferers will have clumps of dead or dying brain cells in their brain (neurofbrillary tangles).

Acai Berry

By boosting the immune system, Acai's rich nutrient profile helps boost the body natural defences

Acai, the Amazonian super berry, is high in Anthocyanins and Phytosterols, two kinds of plant chemical that protect the body from free radical damage, which is the source of age related diseases, infirmity, and also premature ageing. We all know someone who smokes and looks 10years older - well that could well be the result of free radical damage to the skin introduced by the toxic chemicals produced by smoking. In the same way, a person who supplements their diet with beneficial nutrients, which work to neutralise free radicals, is storing up benefits which may not be immediately apparent yet is providing the framework for a healthier and fitter life at a more advanced age.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is an enzyme naturally found in the body that works to produce energy for organ function. It is also an antioxidant and immune booster. Levels of Coenzyme Q10 are essential for the body to function well; if levels drop, then disease can step in.

As we grow older, our natural levels of Coenzyme Q10 decline, yet ironically we need it more.

One of the growing bodies of evidence as to the cause of Alzheimer's is that the cause can be due to the build up of amyloid protein in the brain. This can cause brain cell damage and oxidative stress of brain cells. Yet Coenzyme Q10 seems to work to reduce this damage and prevent the build up of amyloid deposits.

Turmeric (curcumin)

The rate of Alzheimer's is much lower among the elderly in India compared to their western equivalents (only 1% of those aged over 65 in Indian villages) This could be due to their extensive use of the spice Turmeric. The active ingredient of Turmeric is Curcumin, and in Ayurvedic medicine it is believed to have fantastic medicinal qualities.

As well as being an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, curcumin was found in studies to reduce the formation of beta-amyloid plaque and its associated proteins. It has also been found to be instrumental in destroying existing plaque

(Nb - curcumin is also thought to be helpful for Parkinson's sufferers)

Supplementation is exactly that. If you are keen to try an alternative remedy, please start on a low dose and do not continue if you suffer a reaction. But research the possibilities; there are always other possibilities. We are all biological entities, and as such are vulnerable to deterioration; however the other side of that coin is that we can use nature to help heal us and to help to re-align our physical bodies into optimal health.
READ MORE - Alzheimer's - 7 Natural Ways to Prevent Or Mitigate Its Onset

Morbo di Alzheimer - 12 suggerimenti di comunicazione per gli operatori sanitari

Ero caregiver familiare di mia madre per nove anni. Sua demenza è stato causato da un ictus. Medici pensavo danni di corsa si è conclusa poco dopo l'evento. Recenti ricerche, tuttavia, dimostra che danno ictus possa continuare a diffondere nel cervello, e che è quello che è successo a mia madre. Lei ha perso la capacità di recuperare parole, capire i numeri (ha invertito cifre), creare frasi significative e leggere.

Era tutto così triste. Le nostre conversazioni divennero scontri e parlando con mia madre tassata la mia pazienza. Ho letto articoli medicali e libri sulla comunicazione con i malati di Alzheimer. Queste sono le punte di comunicazione che ho usato e vi potrebbe aiutare.

1. Scegliere il tempo. Se la persona è più allarme al mattino, questo è il momento migliore per parlare con lui o lei. Evitare il tarda pomeriggio conversazioni quando malati di Alzheimer diventano confuso e ansiosa.

2. Scegliere un posto tranquillo. Comunicazione ostacola il rumore di fondo, così spegnere la radio e la televisione. Spostare in un'altra stanza, se gli altri sono a parlare ad alta voce o urlare.

3. Controllare la protesi acustica. Mettere una nuova batteria nella protesi acustica se la persona sta avendo difficoltà a sentire voi. Assicurarsi che la persona indossa correttamente gli aiuti.

4. L'approccio dal fronte. Mai approccio paziente un morbo di Alzheimer dal retro, perché questo è spaventoso. Fare il contatto visivo con la persona come si parla.

5. Raccontare una storia. Uno dei modi migliori per richiedere la conversazione è quello di raccontare una storia del passato. Può parlare di una riunione di famiglia, per esempio, o buffonate del cane.

6. Utilizzare un passo moderato. Una voce alta possa essere interpretata come panico e una voce bassa può sembrare minaccioso. Così impostata la vostra voce un tono moderato.

7. Attenersi a un certo punto. I pazienti nelle fasi intermedio e finale della malattia non è possibile tenere traccia di idee diverse. Attenersi a un certo punto e ricordare la persona di esso, come ad esempio "Sto prendendo si dal dentista."

8. Usare parole semplici. Grandi parole, specialmente quelli che descrivono le idee astratte, vengono persi su quelle con la malattia di memoria. Scegli parole semplici e mantenere le vostre frasi brevi.

9. Non riempire gli spazi vuoti. Recupero di parola è una lotta per qualcuno con il morbo di Alzheimer. Eppure, essi possono essere consapevoli della loro dimenticanza. Non riempire il vuoto se diminuisce di conversazione o la persona dice, "Non riesco a ricordare la parola".

10. Offrono una bevanda. Persone invecchiamento e quelli con Alzheimer tendono a perdere il loro senso di sete. Parlando è difficile quando si ha una bocca asciutta. Offrendo la persona un sorso d'acqua o succo di idratare loro e dare loro una pausa dalla conversazione.

11. Eliminare l'editoriale "noi". Anche se "noi" ha solo due lettere, può essere un termine offensivo per quelli con morbo di Alzheimer. Un giorno, quando ho visitato la mia madre in cure infermieristiche, ho sentito una persona del personale dire, "Stiamo andando a fare un bagno," una frase imprecisa.

12. Preparare per la rabbia. Quando mia madre si adirò che avrebbe accarezza la sua mano, darle un abbraccio, o dire "Ti amo". Cambiando argomento ha inoltre contribuito a sedare la sua rabbia.
READ MORE - Morbo di Alzheimer - 12 suggerimenti di comunicazione per gli operatori sanitari

Alzheimer infermieristica strutture e case di cura del morbo di Alzheimer

La ricerca di case di cura di un morbo di Alzheimer per la persona che soffre di Alzheimer è un po ' significativo passo. Quando c'è urgenza per la struttura, la decisione presa in maniera frettolosa può portare ad una situazione che non è favorevole per le esigenze di lungo termine. Non c'è nessun dritto in avanti rispondere alla query case di cura di Alzheimer che soddisferà il migliore? Le strutture disponibili devono essere valutate in un modo che soddisfi le esigenze del paziente e famiglia. Ci sono diversi fattori da cui dipende il ben scelti della struttura di cura. Alcuni di questi fattori sono elencate di seguito:

Capacità di cura: deve essere garantito che le case di cura di Alzheimer dovrebbe essere in grado di gestire le esigenze individuali e fornire la cura di conseguenza al paziente.

Sicurezza: Le camere devono essere munite un sistema di chiamata di emergenza così che i pazienti possono chiamare nel caso in cui hanno bisogno di aiuto. Il personale dell'impianto dovrebbe essere lì su turni periodici. Alcuni sistemi di monitoraggio possono essere installati anche in località preferibile.

Pulizia: I residenti che vivono già in funzione la cura dovrebbero essere dato uno sguardo a controllare il livello di pulizia e cura.

Esperto e attento personale: il personale dovrebbe avere esperienza nella formazione di demenza specializzati. Devono essere in grado di diagnosticare ogni sintomo che possa verificarsi durante la cura e quindi di fornire la soluzione per curarla

Piani di trattamento: la gestione deve avere una procedura prestabilita per curare i pazienti a seconda della gravità della malattia. Le procedure devono essere aggiornate regolarmente.

Opzioni di menu: Menu nutrizionale deve essere tale che soddisfare le esigenze e preferenze, se del caso, di ogni singolo paziente.

Pianificato Schedule: La gestione deve avere un programma giornaliero previsto con attività in modo da rendere i pazienti si sentono meglio.

Aree comuni: Come alcuni pazienti hanno spesso problemi con gli oggetti basso così le aree comuni dovrebbero essere fatto per prendersi cura di ogni sorta di problemi. Alcuni speciali camere maggio anche essere lì cioè tranquilla sala, camera di sonno ecc. Per far fronte a diversi tipi di pazienti.

Decorazione e alleggerimento di stanza: l'illuminazione della casa di cura di Alzheimer non dovrebbe essere scuro o irregolare. I tappeti, drappieri ed elementi di arredo dovrebbero avere i disegni almeno di non sbagliare per gli insetti. Un metodo di marcatura chiaro dovrebbe essere seguito con le camere e le cucine.

Zone all'aperto da Secure: I pazienti spesso piace usare il loro tempo in outdoor. I giardini in funzione la cura devono essere recintati, in modo che i residenti non andare fuori del limite.

La casa di cura Alzheimer sarebbe più gratificante se trova in un vicino alla località. I membri della famiglia sarebbe in grado di andare avanti per visite regolari, che possono essere di aiuto nel recupero di pazienti. Ci sono diversi tipi di strutture che sono come segue:

Assisted Living è la scelta più prevalente di cura. Essa comprende le strutture come Home Care e assistenza personale, servizio di pulizia e di trasporto. Questa custodia fornisce le persone indipendenti vivono tra i loro coetanei.

Cura qualificato o case di cura include infermieri con licenza e avanzate strutture medicare. In alcuni, un'unità di cure speciali è anche inclusa per soddisfare le esigenze di ineguagliabile del morbo di Alzheimer.

L'Hospice Care è un'alternativa alla casa di cura di Alzheimer. È preferibile per quelli nelle ultime fasi di questa malattia. Questi includono la dignità e la comodità con le necessarie cure qualificate.

Continua la cura pensionamento comunità (CCRCs) sono in forma di grande campus. Essi forniscono ogni tipo di assistenza cioè, assistita vita indipendente e assistenza esperta 24 ore su 24. Il paziente ottiene appena spostato all'edificio a seconda della gravità della malattia.

Case di cura il morbo di Alzheimer sono una sorta di Live-in strutture che cura gli individui con Alzheimer che non sono in grado di vivere in modo indipendente. Servizi elencati sopra forniscono varie scelte da scegliere secondo la necessità ma i fattori dovrebbero essere tenuti in mente prima di optare qualsiasi funzione di cura.
READ MORE - Alzheimer infermieristica strutture e case di cura del morbo di Alzheimer

Alzheimer - le cose che devi sapere

Si può avere il disordine in giro dappertutto, quando ci sono malati di Alzheimer intorno. Si sbaglia le cose per altre cose e che potrebbe essere pericoloso per te e per loro. Pulire la casa tutte le volte che è possibile in modo da evitare tali errori costosi.

Si potrebbe sentire come avete mai bisogno di sapere una cosa di morbo di Alzheimer, ma si sarebbe morto sbagliato. C'è un sacco che si potrebbe fare per voi stessi da lettura fino su di esso, se non per la propria auto, almeno si potrebbe usare la conoscenza per aiutare una persona cara che soffre.

Morbo di Alzheimer colpisce spesso senza un sacco di avvertimento; e un giorno che si cercano qualcuno in faccia tutto ferma e risoluta, mentre il prossimo sono quasi senile. È doloroso per guardare, ma ancora più doloroso per sedersi inattivo e non so come prendersi cura di loro. Scopri ora, lo farà è molto buona.

Sai che potresti essere un caregiver troppo, qualcuno per invitare se hanno un amico o un familiare che soffre del morbo di Alzheimer. Tutto quello che devono fare è essere informati su di esso e davvero che non prende un sacco di tempo o di sforzo. Si potrebbe accedere a internet e leggere a questo proposito, o si potrebbe effettivamente andare all'ospedale e visitare alcuni pazienti. Ne vale la pena se avete qualcuno vicino a effettivamente cura per.

A volte è necessario essere a casa con la persona amata che soffre di Alzheimer appena per un cambio di tatto. Potrebbe non essere molto facile per voi, che siete una persona di carriera e di tutti, ma in realtà esiste qualche sacrificio coinvolti. Così pucker up e non mollare; far loro sapere che ti interessa.

Quando si osserva il ritmo, capire come loro menti andando in overdrive. Malati di Alzheimer agire strano un sacco di tempo e si potrebbe desiderare di essere preparati per questo. Il ritmo non è la cosa giusta.
READ MORE - Alzheimer - le cose che devi sapere

Alzheimer - i sintomi e le cause di Alzheimer

Malattia di Alzheimer è una malattia del cervello denominata per medico tedesco Alois Alzheimer, che per primo lo descrisse nel 1906. Gli scienziati hanno imparato molto sulla malattia di Alzheimer nel secolo dal dottor Alzheimer, in primo luogo, ha attirato l'attenzione ad esso.

Malattia di Alzheimer inizia lentamente. Si tratta in primo luogo le parti del cervello che controllano il pensiero, la memoria e la lingua. Persone con annunci possono avere difficoltà a ricordare le cose che è accaduto recentemente o nomi di persone che conoscono. Nel corso del tempo, i sintomi peggiorano. Persone non possono riconoscere i membri della famiglia o hanno difficoltà a parlare, la lettura o la scrittura. Essi possono dimenticare come lavarsi i denti o pettinare i capelli. In seguito possono diventare ansioso o aggressivi, o vagare lontano da casa. Alla fine, hanno bisogno di cura totale.

Sintomi dell'Alzheimer

Persone con difficoltà di esperienza di Alzheimer comunicando, apprendimento, pensiero e ragionamento - problemi abbastanza grave da avere un impatto su di un individuo, attività sociali vita professionale e familiare.

Perdita della sentenza. Risolvere i problemi quotidiani, come ad esempio sapere che cosa fare se il cibo sulla stufa sta bruciando, diventa sempre più difficile, alla fine impossibile. Morbo di Alzheimer è caratterizzata da una maggiore difficoltà a fare le cose che richiedono la pianificazione, il processo decisionale e la sentenza.

Una ridotta capacità per svolgere attività motoria (ad esempio pettinare i capelli) Nonostante le abilità motorie intatte, funzione sensoriale e comprensione dell'attività necessaria (aprassia)

Cambiamenti di umore e di comportamento (sbalzi d'umore rapida, scoppi emotivi, cambiamenti di personalità, maggiore paura o sospetto)

Memoria peggiora, parole vengono utilizzati sempre più in modo inappropriato, competenze di base self-care sono persi, cambiamenti di personalità, agitazione sviluppa, non può riconoscere distante famiglia o gli amici, ha difficoltà di comunicare, vaga, diventa illusi e potrebbero verificarsi allucinazioni.

Problemi di lingua (dimenticando i nomi degli oggetti, mescolando la parole, difficoltà a completare le frasi)

Essi cominciano ad avere problemi di lingua, la comprensione, la lettura o la scrittura. In seguito persone con annunci possono diventare ansioso o aggressivi, o vagare lontano da casa. Alla fine, i pazienti hanno bisogno di cura totale.

Disorientamento - È normale per dimenticare il giorno della settimana o dove si sta andando. Persone con malattia di Alzheimer possono diventare perso per strada dove vivono, dimenticare dove sono e come ci hanno ottenuto e non so come tornare indietro a casa.

Misplacing oggetti - Chiunque può temporaneamente smarrire un portafoglio o una chiave. Una persona con malattia di Alzheimer può mettere le cose in luoghi insoliti - un ferro da stiro in freezer o un orologio da polso in the zuccheriera.

Cause di Alzheimer

Storia familiare è un altro fattore di rischio. La malattia sembra correre in alcune famiglie. Tuttavia, meno del 10% dei casi della malattia di Alzheimer sono familiare. Malattia di Alzheimer familiare si verifica spesso in età più giovane, tra anni di età, 30 e 60. Questo è chiamato il morbo di Alzheimer familiare ad esordio precoce.

Possibile ruolo di grovigli: la struttura di supporto interno per i neuroni del cervello dipende il normale funzionamento di una proteina chiamata tau. Nelle persone affette da morbo di Alzheimer, discussioni di proteina tau subiscono alterazioni che causano loro di diventare contorto. Molti ricercatori ritengono che ciò può danneggiare gravemente i neuroni, inducendoli a morire.

Ambiente per imparare che ruolo giocano nello sviluppo di questa malattia. Gli scienziati stanno trovando sempre più elementi che alcuni dei fattori di rischio per malattie cardiache e ictus, come ad esempio la pressione alta, colesterolo alto e bassi livelli di folato la vitamina, possono anche aumentare il rischio di annuncio. Prove di attività fisica, mentale e sociale come fattori protettivi contro annuncio sono anche in aumento.
READ MORE - Alzheimer - i sintomi e le cause di Alzheimer

Trattamenti alternativi per il Parkinson

Malattia di Parkinson o PD, è una malattia degenerativa che sfoga havoc sul sistema nervoso centrale. Questo porta a una diminuzione del discorso e le capacità motorie e può anche portare alla morte. Anche se non non c'è nessuna cura conosciuta per la malattia, ci sono ancora alternative trattamenti per la malattia di Parkinson disponibili.

Uno dei trattamenti alternativi popolari per il Parkinson è l'uso della medicina ayurvedica, che può essere fatta risalire all'India cinquemila anni fa. In generale, la medicina ayurvedica copre una dieta speciale, esercizi progettati per alcuni arti e articolazioni, pratiche di meditazione, massaggi speciali e l'uso di certe erbe. Per esempio, un'erba che è cresciuta popolare negli ultimi anni è Mucuna puriens, che può imitare il farmaco Parkinson Levidopa prodotta in laboratorio.

Un altro dei trattamenti alternativi emergenti per Parkinson è l'uso di fave, in cui i ricercatori in Australia hanno trovato per la produzione di materie prime di Levidopa. Se consumato tutta, fave fornire il corpo con una buona quantità di Levidopa. Promettente è anche l'uso di St. John’s Wort, un'erba che acuisce l'umore dei malati di Parkinson. La depressione è comune nella malattia di Parkinson.

Utilizzato anche come integratore di vitamina, coenzima Q10 ora sta guadagnando popolarità come uno dei trattamenti alternativi per la malattia di Parkinson. Come il coenzima Q10 raggiunge questo non è ancora chiaro. Inoltre, chi soffre di Parkinson potrebbero essere necessario quanto più oltre mille milligrammi di vitamina a giorno, circa un centinaio di milligrammi sopra la dose raccomandata.

Questi sono solo alcuni trattamenti alternativi per [] malattia di Parkinson. Se sei interessato a nessuna di esse, è possibile parlare con il medico per ulteriori informazioni.


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READ MORE - Trattamenti alternativi per il Parkinson

Trattamento alternativo di tumore al cervello - il protocollo Banerji del trattamento

Dr. Prasanta Banerji e Dr. Pratip Banerji della Prasanta Banerji omeopatica Research Foundation, Kolkata, India (PBHRF), sono stati pionieri nell'evoluzione di un sistema unico di trattamento in omeopatia, dove vengono somministrati farmaci specifici per particolari patologie. Questo è qualcosa di diverso dall'omeopatia classica. Le malattie sono diagnosticate usando le ultime tecnologie e medicinali sono prescritti di conseguenza.

Giustamente intitolato il protocollo Banerji del trattamento, questa procedura di trattamento è il risultato di quattro decenni di attività di ricerca. I medici hanno una stirpe prestigiosa nel trattamento di omeopatia per quattro generazioni di erogazione. La causa sociale per aiutare i bisognosi sempre svolto un ruolo importante, che portano alla creazione di una clinica caritatevole a Calcutta, dove circa quattrocento i pazienti vengono trattati tutti i giorni.

Le iniziative di ricerca percorso rottura dei medici hanno portato verso il trattamento sicuro e collaudato di diverse varietà di tumori maligni, soprattutto tumori cerebrali, utilizzando una combinazione di Ruta graveolens e Calcaria Phosphorica 3 X. Studi di caso e una serie di Case migliori hanno dimostrato più volte che la combinazione aiuta nell'uccidere le cellule tumorali, mentre attivando la crescita delle cellule normali. Le ricerche e i risultati concomitanti hanno stabilito l'omeopatia come una completa soluzione alternativa per il trattamento di tumori maligni e tumori.

I medici hanno firmato un accordo con della statunitense National Cancer Institute (NCI) ufficio di cancro complementari e Alternative Medicine (OCCAM), entrambe facenti parte di The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland. Questo accordo è il primo mai legare del suo genere per quanto riguarda l'attuazione di un monitoraggio dei risultati di pratica e studio di sistemi di valutazioni (POMES) per cancro al polmone presso la clinica di PBHRF a Calcutta.

Una pietra miliare diversa è stato raggiunto quando nel giugno del 2007, il duo ha presentato un libro su Possible Use of Ultra-Diluted farmaci per la salute problemi durante missioni lunari al Simposio Rutgers sugli insediamenti lunari.

Dr. Prasanta Banerji e Dr. Pratip Banerji hanno dato presentazioni nelle varie conferenze internazionali negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Spagna, Grecia, Turchia, Portogallo e Argentina, tra gli altri. I documenti sono stati pubblicati in varie riviste mediche internazionali, tra cui l'International Journal of Oncology.

Le ricerche e i suoi risultati hanno scatenato lo sviluppo di gruppi di autoaiuto di pazienti di tumore e cancro negli Stati Uniti e Spagna, che continuano a prendere il farmaco alle istruzioni dei medici. I pazienti tenersi in contatto con i medici attraverso e-mail e anche si sono formati gruppi di utenti tra loro per monitorare i modelli di recupero. Farmaci sono consegnati dall'ufficio di medici contro le accuse nominale.
READ MORE - Trattamento alternativo di tumore al cervello - il protocollo Banerji del trattamento

Alternative Treatment for Cancer

Having had a great deal of exposure to the medical profession throughout my life noticing that many illnesses that affect people today have similar behaviors. I have had a great deal of exposure to these illnesses and there behaviors. I was a trained nursing assistant, a profession that is no longer in existence these days. Being a child who suffered many conditions including being in comas and a vegetated state as well as oxygen and flow problems throughout my body. These life experiences have given me first hand experience of the recovery process. You get to mix with many professional bodies and going through the conditions makes you some what understanding in what the body suffers and what requirement allow the body to recover from life threatening and serious illnesses.

During all my earlier hospital stays, doctor's appointments and watching the people around me suffer with different elements I got to thinking what can I do to assist with my recovery? I watched many of people around me with illnesses similar to myself as well as other illnesses which reflected similar patterning although there illness was called by a different name to mine.

Some of the illnesses included Personality Disorder, Mental Illnesses, Behavior Problems, Cancer, Irritable Bowl and Huntington's chorea, Aids, Tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. I noticed that many of these diseases had common ground to them displaying similar behaviors so I decided to investigate my observations in more detail. A dominating behaviour in many of these illnesses where of a chronicle nature, meaning one symptom had to appear firstly, before another one could follow.

Each symptom indicated the infecting illness which had to recover in full before other symptoms would present themselves. Doctors look at the presenting symptoms to treat the patient. Obvious symptoms will be at the focal point and most likely to be picked up easily by a doctor. Underlying effects will not be picked up until the symptoms are exposed and this could take several years to discover the cause and effects of unexposed symptoms.

Oxygen is a major component to all resources of the body needs and it is vital that the oxygen flows to all areas of the internal body to keep your organs healthy. Blocks in your eternal system through previous injuries, internal bruising, scaring, parasitical infestation, bacterial infections have stoped the flow of oxygen to parts of your body system causing disease or failure for the organ to work in its required manner. When oxygen fails to reach the inflicted organ then a rotting effect begins to occur. Without oxygen your internal organs will immediately become infectious and life threatening to the rest of the body system.

All illnesses have an intelligence which stands alone and normally comes from the need to survive. Survival intelligence has a superior intelligence which stands alone and will challenge for the rights to survive no matter what the cost maybe to the inflicting person. I have seen this form of intelligence fool many extremely gifted professionals. The illnesses appear to feed off all intelligence of the body system as well as all incoming intelligence around the person with the illness. Survival intelligence becomes a battle of the fittest and the strongest element of survival will be the victors. Survival intelligence works behind the scenes to outsmart a person to encourage its survival. Survival uses mind games to outwit its opponents. In the game of survival the winner will be decided by a battle of the person or illness with the strongest survival skills.

Survival intelligence has a tendency to play mind games which can be easily recognized when the patient demonstrates a behaviour which is uncharacteristic to the nature of the situation. It is human nature to be fearful, afraid or concerned at any serious illness which can cause death. In many cases I have noticed the person who is extremely ill with a possibility of death play the supportive role to others who are healthy and not in any apparent danger. This behaviour would be considered a demonstration of the illness survival at work and not of the person. It is important to recognize survival behaiours as to what is normal and what would be considered normal for someone faced with a survival situation. All survival situations require a behaviour of a fighting mechanism to survive. When a patient has an accepting attitude and is playing a role to encourage others then I would be extremely concerned as this would be considered not normal behaviour in a survival situation.

A great deal of these illnesses where formed through the eruption of the volcano around the ancient Egypt area hundreds of years ago. During the eruption it became a fight for survival and parasites entered the remaining human survivors. As the parasites mated inside the body, white cells where formed and became part of the body system. These white cells fooled many professionals due to there extreme intelligence and it was there superior intelligence that led to there inclusion as a healthy fact instead of an intruding fact in the human body. The parasitical eggs became know as white cells and became accepted as part of the human body system.

Many people lost there lives during this time and it was not realized that the illness of parasitical as well as bacterial forms can be passed through sexual interaction. Being unaware of the illness that infected the bodies white cells where inherited as part of the body system when in fact they belong to the parasitical creation. The infections were born in babies of those infected which appears to be a great percentage of the population. The Egyptian times of the infections of these people have been well demonstrated throughout history and the survival rates where extremely challenging with life expectancies greatly reduced with these infectious cells. Over time the cells have adapted well to the body and learnt better survival techniques which have posed a serious problem for our society. Antigen blood types where mostly affected by these intruding white cells as well as people who had overheated internal temperatures.

Numerous of these diseases are sexual transmitted, influenced by dietary conditions and of course personal behaviors, all have major influencing factors to what contributes to the illnesses. Another major contributing factor is the illnesses appear in a chronicle order. Block in oxygen flow which infects the organ will find its way through the blood system affecting the whole body making recovery a difficult process.

When the same illness can affect domestic and wild animals it is important to note the illness can have great strength behind it. As the intelligence has been gathered from different forms of creation then the intelligence can also include animal instincts. Animal instincts are one of the reasons for the person demonstrating a great deal of physical strength when the person carrying the illness feels its survival is threatened. Animals do kill and you would benefit from taking caution as it is possible for a person with an illness with animal instinct intelligence to act out of human character and kill another human been. The other caution that needs to be considered is the sexual habitats of those with animal instinct type of behaviour. As animals do have mating rituals and practices which are not considered acceptable human behaviour. Rapes and desires to release the parasites from the sexual organ in males can dominate the male's behaviour to concerning levels affecting the safety and wellbeing of others in society.

I have study these conditions intensively and the facts have been proven .I have been using these parasitical, bacterial and meningitis holistic cures for over 30 years now with great success. Personal behaviours have been greatly influenced in all forms of illnesses. A word of warning with behavior based illnesses they are the most difficult to cure as there influenced greatly by mental as well internal intrusion and require a great deal of counseling's. A profession counselor would need to determine the behavious in relation to human behaviour or is the behaviour coming from the illness desire to survive known as survival behaviour.

All the treatments in this paper have been used by myself to heal others who have been inflicted with serious diseases. Numerous professions dismiss the possibilities of what inflicts and causes these many forms of bacterial illnesses and oxygen failures. Internal rising blood and fluid temperatures' is another alarming concern which causes great discomfort to the internal body system. Other threats to recovery come from the illnesses intelligence which has taken over many elements of the persons mind set causing the person to encourage the growth of the illness as both the illness desires survival as well as the inflicted person.

I discovered one's blood touches all parts of the body running though every organ. I became convinced it was definitely a blood problem which was originally caused by a lack of flow of oxygen and other blocks in the internal system. My research came up with revelations that many people have unbalanced blood running through there bodies and inadequate oxygen supply to there internal organs.

I personally have O positive blood with a negative kel which gives my blood system a good balance. My blood type is considered rare as in the kel type as many people have positive kel types where I do not. I am also different as I don't have white cells running through my system. I personally believe white cells are parasitical eggs which hide in the body system until the environment of the body causes them to hatch. These parasites take up oxygen and food supplies which would normally be solely for the organs in your body system. White cells have there own intelligence due to the fact that they are a form of creation.

Researching where my blood type came from I was to discover my protection against many conditions was of a native decent. I discovered that the protection from parasitical elements entering the body was excellent when the blood system is of equal quality being both positive and negative. I also discovered the rightful person belonging to the land had blood types that where of a dominating nature, passing down the ancestry line, regardless of partners married. All the children from this line have a balance of positive and negative blood running through there bodies. Where there are partners with different blood types the woman's blood type will be the determining factor of the children in the family. This is due to blood compatibilities. In most cases the newborn fetus will choose the strongest and best possible blood type solution on offer which of course comes from the DNA of the parents.

My research discovered people with balancing blood types do not get cancer or aids and I believe there is a definite reason behind there immunes to these diseases. I felt that natives of the land where well protected by there blood types and many of there illness problems where the relation of lifestyle and dietary problems within the native community and there cultures.

Different blood types run at different temperatures. For warmer climates the blood at approximately 23 degrees, which is referred to as cold blooded. In cooler climates the blood temperature runs approximately 24 degrees or slightly higher, which is referred to as warm blooded. In Australia the ocean temperature is about 23 degrees and I believe that is what determines the native people of the land blood temperature. Australia is a hot climate and home to cold blooded people and of course animals. Usually hotter climates will be home to cold blooded creation and cooler climates will be the home to warm blooded climates. The ocean temperature of a country is the indication of temperature for the blood type of the country.

Another factor is the cleansing system of the body which is made up of water and its function is to cleanse your internal system. The cleansing system works similar to how we wash our external bodies to keep them free from dirt, clean and healthy. When the water temperature rises above the desired body temperature it becomes uncomfortable and the flow develops impossibilities and the cleansing function is damaged and fails to work to encourage good health in our internal body system.

One of the major problems of the fluid system is the overflow of fluid release which is performed through the tear ducts of the eyes. When the fluid overheats the person stops crying and fails to release the excess fluid through the tear ducks. Wednesday, Quite often the clear fluid system sits behind the eyes and has the meningitis infection which makes releasing the fluid through the tear ducks impossible. Many of these people have poor sight problems as the fluid thickens from movement failure and causes a thick wall preventing the instruments that ensure our visuals organs are in good health to become endangered. The overheated fluid system also fails to perform its correct cleansing function of the internal body.

Every seed needs the right conditions to grow and spread either encouraging good health or invading sickness. A seed needs water, sun, food and the right environment for it to grow and flourish. A diseased seed is no different. Let's go back and have a look at the Tuberculosis seed which plants itself in the bronchial tube which is quite often diagnosed as cancer. On the x-ray it will be demonstrated by two black dots or small dark shadows in the bronical tubes.

For years I had a problem with constant bronchial infections which was believed to be tuberculosis and quite often is diagnosed as cancer. My dad was found to have had tuberculosis as well. Unfortunately combined with cancer from the scaring of tuberculosis in his earlier life and old age caused my dad to loose his fight and he died from his illness. I recall having another bout of uncontrollable bronchial coughing and to be frank I was just plain fed up with it. My father in law has been a long time ambulance officer who is now retired conducted many first aid courses which I have attended several. They talk in foreign bodies and swelling which they apply ice to the affected area to reduce the bruising and which helps the recovery process. Through my frustrations of the illness I decided that I would put ice on the chest area where I was coughing uncontrollable. I did this as to reduce the swelling as this is what I was taught to do in my first aid course.

When the tuberculosis was active as in when I was coughing I placed ice pack on the bronchial tube covering the crossbow. Within a few minutes, I started to feel better and the coughing ceased and the disease has not returned. I have been free of this illness for over 4 years now. By changing my temperature on the direct area the conditions for the seed of tuberculosis became unsuitable for its growth and the disease died giving me a complete recovery. To my surprise after many years of suffering with this illness I was healed by using ice which lowered the temperature conditions that the disease required to survive and grow. A special thank you to granddad, which constantly encouraged me to take do first aid course.

I also discovered that swelling can occur in the internal physical body, causing illness and discomfort to the person who is affected. Putting ice on the bronchial tube enabled me to lower my body temperature which made the conditions for the tuberculosis seed unsuitable. Using this procedure led to the seed dying, resulting in a full recovery.

The more I studied these diseases using the parable of the seed as in the holy bible; I was amazed at how many factors of how the diseases occur came to light. My discoveries of the many violations that can affect the body in different forms and the reasoning behind what causes these diseases were connected to many lifestyle conditioning. Our behaviors, what we eat, how we treat ourselves and others where just some of the lifestyle factors that played a considerable role in what conditions our bodies would remain in. We could either enjoy good or poor health depending on what our everyday life choices had been.

Cancer has several symptoms to this disease but I have notice that the body seems to be using what should be exhaled air in replacement of oxygen, this due to lack of normal organ supply to the body system. In my opinion where the affected area has a lack of oxygen supply it affects feeding the needs of the organ. As the organ or organs are in desperate need of oxygen they start to use the exhale air for oxygen which is really not an ideal solution but without air the organ will die. I feel oxygen fails to move through the affected organ blocking the flow causing the organ to start rotting. Some gases in the body are good for you and that is indicated by a fresh red blood colour. The exhale air can mixed with the body can produce a gas which is not suited for the body so its important to limit exhaled air being used to supply the body organ.

Cancer has numerous causes and can be extremely life threatening for the patient. If you have cancer and have been sent home as no more can be done for you I encourage you to try a holistic approach to your illness as you have nothing really to loose and all the treatments are natural and perfectly safe to use. I am strongly opinionated that cancer is caused due to blocks of oxygen flow in the system causing dangerous gases to build up and destroy organs within the body. Of course other contributors would be injuries causing internal blockages, overheating blood system, lack of oxygen flow, poor diet, meningitis as well as parasitical.

Prostrate cancer can be a lack of acceptance for the ending use of the sexual function. Or there could be a parasite filling the area of the organ blocking the flow of oxygen to the organ which also causes a dangerous form of gas like carbons. Including of course blood imbalances as well as possible parasitical infection. Problems which can be corrected by behavior would need a person to accept that the sexual function is now not a concern. With this acceptance the organ most likely will calm and recover. The seed in this instance is the failure to use the organ for the sexual function as this ability has now ceased. As well as the possibility of parasites filling the organ as it is a form of exit of the body. When they breed and hatch there eggs many parasites are formed and it causes an overflow in the sexual organ causing a failure of oxygen flow.

All organs will fight for survival and especially with the male becoming uncomfortable with changes in his abilities. This disease needs conselling for acceptance of the ending of the function. There are also other medical factors relating to this disease, I strongly believe parasitical, overheating of the blood system causing a form of meningitis plays a major role in this cancer. Other factors include internal breathing problems with exhale oxygen being used to supply the internal body as other elements appear to be using the oxygen we inhale. When the blood flow is blocked by a foreign object, bruising, swelling or other affecting causes it creates a build up in carbon to the blood system.

One of the reasons the Christian baptism is so good for a person is due to its healing quality. As a rule the full immersion baptism occurs in cold water. When he body is fully submerged the person opens there eyes looking for the Holy Spirit. This action automatically lowers the person internal temperature the bacteria's within the person die instantly leaving them refreshed and cleansed of any form of parasitical, bacterial or meningitis. All bacteria's raise the physical body temperature to suit the bacteria, parasite or meningitis. Lowering the temperature makes the internal condition intolerable for the infections to maintain survival.

Many brain diseases are also inflicted by parasites and usually show up in the extra as black dots with black shadowing. Once the body temperature heats up it is the right condition for the hatching of parasitical eggs which will block the oxygen flow to the brain which is life threatening. Full brain disorder the pain will actually be suffered in the lower back region. If you have pain in the left side especially upper leg then the bacteria will be in the right side of the brain. If you have pain in the right side especially upper leg then the bacteria will be in the left side of the brain.

With the infected seed you would need to ask what conditions does this seed like? Is it the warmth? What food is the seed feeding on? What are the conditions making the seed grow and flourish. Whether the seed is good or bad the seed needs the right conditions to grow and flourish.

Conditions - hot, warm , cold
Oxygen - flow
Food as in what it feeds on - Does the diet have a dominating obsessive requirement
Water - the body is made up mostly of water

When one starts asking these questions as to how the violation occurred in relation to the organ. What conditions make it possible for the seed to flourish and affect the organ? Can the condition be changed? Thorough investigations need to be taken with any infected seed. Don't forget behaviors as this can have a direct affect.

Another condition affecting the illness is dietary and food intake. I have notice that these bacteria crave certain forms of food... Many people I have known with breast cancer have an unhealthy craving and diet of avocado. Although the fruit is believed to be healthy for you it is subject to rat striking and other parasitical values. One of the other notable accounts is the fact most of these woman have a milk intolerance which appears to be related to the breast cancer.

When the infections are parasitical, bacterial, or meningitis forms they will crave for certain foods. For example when my son was infected by parasites he craved for chili. I investigated chili and found that it was prone to parasitical infection especially when the body temperature was raised. I popped a vitamin C tablet in the chili sauce and it was effective and cured my son of the illness. He no longer craves chili sauce as much; his use of this sauce was excessive giving me reason to believe that another in the body craved it. As it turned out I was correct and thankfully my son is back to good health.

Many infections will be dictating the dietary of the person infected with the disease. What I have done is to observe the persons eating and behavior forms to determine what the conditions the infection prefers. As with my son it was chili. You can usually find out what conditions affect certain foods by researching them through a search engine on the Internet.

Most of these conditions will be cured with vitamin C. It is important to hide the vitamin C in different element as the illness survival skills has developed ways to rid the body of food environment that will threaten its survival. To ensure the vitamin C is aloud access to your internal body you will need to develop ways of using the vitamin through other sources such as hidden in the food you cook, soaps, creams and nourishing vitamin baths as the body will automatic detect the food needs and drawing the vitamins into the organs that require the food on offer.

Bacteria's and infections are pretty intelligent so you will need your wit about you to try and outsmart the infection. Bacteria's will continue to attack until there survival is threatened. Once there survival is threatened then the bacteria will back down and hibernate. To kill bacteria, parasite or meningitis infections you will need to make sure the infections are active.

For brain problems it's a good idea to pop vitamin c in the shampoo and conditioner. Try to buy shampoo and conditioner that has an enrichment of vitamins in them.

With my neurology disorder I need to feed this externally through the skin as its one of my weakest organ due to the damage that I suffered in my earlier years. I tend to use vitamin enriched shampoo and conditioner; I include vitamin c to encourage extra nourishment for my brain area. I also have a moisturizer made up with vitamin c, multivitamins, alovera, and honey mix. Once I have mixed the moisturizer I cleanse the moisturizer into my brain and leave it on for about 30 minutes then I was and condition my hair as normal.

With my family I tend to use vitamin enrichment in my cooking using herbs and lemon juice to reduce the risk of parasitical infections, I also use suggestion which a enriched vitamin powder drink, which comes in chocolate or vanilla in my cake cooking

Sun block out its a great idea to put a vitamin c in the block out to guard against the overheating of the product out in the sun which will reduce the risk of the sun block becoming infected with any bacteria's due to overheating whilst left in the sun.

In summing up my investigation I would like to point out that the first investigation should entail looking to the person's personal behaviour. Is the behaviour showing any attributes or forms of behaviour that stem from other creations in our society? We co-exist with many other forms of creations and parasitical is one of the main intruders. Our gardens are within there existence and the parasitical egg are so tiny you would need a large microscope to see it. There original laying size is smaller than one grain of sand. In a body with regulated cool temperatures these eggs that carry through what we eat would not normally hatch. With the onset of immigration and people who blood types have not suited to the land they live in contributes to the main causes of this parasitical explosion in plague style fashion.

Parasitic cause numerous other bacterial infections in the body where the blood is warm and desirable. Parasites also take up a great deal of the bodies oxygen, which then only leaves the use of the exhale air for the person to feed the bodies organs with oxygen. Prolonged periods of use of exhale air can cause carbon gases to build up. Bacteria's are extremely intelligent and will do what ever it takes to survive. Bacteria's have a tendency to go out on a full attack to try and increase in strength. Bacteria's will only back down and become dormant if they are in the threat of being killed. You cannot kill bacteria while it is dormant and these bacteria's love to play mind games with the most intelligent minds.

My recommendations for these disease would be to submerge the physical body in cold water making sure the eyes are open as it will create an instant change in the body temperature, which will immediately destroy the infected seeds. Increase your vitamin C intake is also highly recommended as it has excellent temperature control factors for the blood system. Another excellent healing method is to use the ability of the skin to enrich your body with nourishing vitamins to help in the recovery process. Fill a bath with warm water to your comfort zone, dissolve vitamin C and Multivitamins in water, then add the dissolved vitamins to the bath. Add a few drops of alovera and moisturized honey. As you soak in the vitamin enriched bath your physical body will draw the vitamins into it from the water, which will help you to recover your damaged body.

Bacteria's present a behaviour of desirability, meaning they will desire certain foods to keep them in great strength. I believe avocado is one of these foods as many women who have had breast cancer appear to have a craving for avocado and there diet is over supplied with avocado. This is a bacteria's desire as when a food becomes more dominate than other foods we eat. Bacteria's will desire food with the highest oxygen content; Look to your diet as fasting from the food for at least a week would be rather helpful to your body system. Or you can use the food to kill the infection by putting vitamin C into the food or soaking it in lemon, orange or a vitamin c enriched juice.

Cures are in our reach, it is the approach and style of investigation that needs intensive assessment.

Looking at illnesses with a different approach is what I believe will help people to understand the balances in life? Every creation has there rights to life and it is up to us to make sure we use treatments to prevent parasites forming in our bodies which can cause other multiples of illnesses. I have included the methods I have used to cure myself and others and I encourage others to try my methods as I feel you will definitely benefit from a holistic approach as well as professional medical approach.
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