Alzheimer's - 7 Natural Ways to Prevent Or Mitigate Its Onset

Do you, like me, have a relative who suffers, or suffered with the subtly encroaching but deadly Alzheimer's? When my mother was diagnosed, I was devastated, but not surprised, as she had been deteriorating mentally for some time. What was really hard to take, though, was the prognosis for the disease. That there is no cure was an almost intolerable realisation. Knowing that she would never recover her faculties but instead deteriorate into a place where her body was still here but her personality - her individual Spark - was buried in a place none of her family could reach.

This personal experience pushed me into researching various supplements which have a track record of studies and medical evidence to verify their claims. Below, is a list of seven which have been proved in some way to mitigate or even possibly prevent this cruel condition. More investigation is always welcome, to validate and add to the existing evidence. There have been many studies already done on all the following supplements. As always, there is no substitute for medical intervention, however, if the least you can do is complement your diet and medication, then there may be the very real chance of beneficially affecting the condition. The list is as follows:

B Vitamins

There has been excitement in the health news lately about studies which have shown that elderly people, diagnosed as suffering with mild cognitive damage such as short term memory loss, or slight problems with language who were given the B vitamins folate, B6 and B12 over two years suffered much less brain shrinkage than the equivalent control group. (Research has shown that Alzheimer's sufferers have high levels of homocysteine, which can be blocked by vitamins B6 and B12)

People over 60 who suffer from mild cognitive impairment suffer brain shrinkage at twice the rate of the average brain - 1% a year, compared to 0.5% of an unaffected person. Persons diagnosed with Alzheimer's suffer up to 2.5% year shrinkage each year.

In this experiment, the people given the B vitamins had shrinkage of between 30-50% less than the control group! In studies since, the indication is that B vitamins in high doses may halve the rate of brain shrinkage in Alzheimer's sufferers.

Research into this has found that people with vascular disorders have high levels of the amino acid homocysteine. Homocysteine is created at elevated levels when the body has insufficient amounts of B12, folic acid or pyridoxine. This enzyme can damage arteries, cause strokes, heart attacks, and now researchers have associated it with a heightened risk of Alzheimer's disease. So, with not eating leafy greens and eating too much meat (which is a source of methionine which is converted to homocysteine) a lack of folate and other B vitamins in the diet will increase your risk.


Resveratrol is produced by plants as a protection again environmental stresses. It is an amazing substance, chock full of antioxidants. It is an anti-inflammatory; it protects the heart, and has cancer fighting properties. It has also been discovered, in laboratory experiments, to hamper the production of beta-amyloid protein, which is a key element in the amount of plaque found in persons who have died from Alzheimer's. In these experiments, Resveratrol actually encouraged the breakdown of this plaque, which meant that the source of the problem was removed.

Green Tea

Did you know that as well as being a fantastic source of antioxidants, Green tea has the ability to block the activity of the brain enzymes which have found to be linked with memory loss, and also the development of Alzheimer's? Although black tea is helpful, green tea has been found (in animal studies at Newcastle University), to block these enzymes for up to a week at a time by as much as 38%. Black tea had the same effect but only for one day. Another aspect was that they found that drinking green tea may have a beneficial effect on new learning.

Omega 3

Alzheimer's researchers have long recommended Essential Fatty Acids - a source of Omega 3 and other essential fatty acids - as being helpful in delaying or preventing the disease. The brains of Alzheimer's sufferers are known to contain lower levels of the protein LR11. The toxic plaques which build up in the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers is built up over time by amyloid proteins, the presence of which causes changes in neuritic processes - essentially our cognitive awareness and memory functions.

This particular fatty acid - Omega 3 - (called DHA, and is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain) is instructive in destroying this protein and preventing plaque build up. But your EFA's don't have to come just from oily fish or fish oil supplements (health intense though they are). To help in today's polluted world of dwindling fish stocks, supplement your essential Omega's and fatty acids from plant sources. For example, Flax Seed oil and Chia Seed oil are two of the highest plant sources of Omega 3, 6 and 9 available. Essential fatty acids also have anti-inflammatory properties, which will help as Alzheimer's sufferers will have clumps of dead or dying brain cells in their brain (neurofbrillary tangles).

Acai Berry

By boosting the immune system, Acai's rich nutrient profile helps boost the body natural defences

Acai, the Amazonian super berry, is high in Anthocyanins and Phytosterols, two kinds of plant chemical that protect the body from free radical damage, which is the source of age related diseases, infirmity, and also premature ageing. We all know someone who smokes and looks 10years older - well that could well be the result of free radical damage to the skin introduced by the toxic chemicals produced by smoking. In the same way, a person who supplements their diet with beneficial nutrients, which work to neutralise free radicals, is storing up benefits which may not be immediately apparent yet is providing the framework for a healthier and fitter life at a more advanced age.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 is an enzyme naturally found in the body that works to produce energy for organ function. It is also an antioxidant and immune booster. Levels of Coenzyme Q10 are essential for the body to function well; if levels drop, then disease can step in.

As we grow older, our natural levels of Coenzyme Q10 decline, yet ironically we need it more.

One of the growing bodies of evidence as to the cause of Alzheimer's is that the cause can be due to the build up of amyloid protein in the brain. This can cause brain cell damage and oxidative stress of brain cells. Yet Coenzyme Q10 seems to work to reduce this damage and prevent the build up of amyloid deposits.

Turmeric (curcumin)

The rate of Alzheimer's is much lower among the elderly in India compared to their western equivalents (only 1% of those aged over 65 in Indian villages) This could be due to their extensive use of the spice Turmeric. The active ingredient of Turmeric is Curcumin, and in Ayurvedic medicine it is believed to have fantastic medicinal qualities.

As well as being an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, curcumin was found in studies to reduce the formation of beta-amyloid plaque and its associated proteins. It has also been found to be instrumental in destroying existing plaque

(Nb - curcumin is also thought to be helpful for Parkinson's sufferers)

Supplementation is exactly that. If you are keen to try an alternative remedy, please start on a low dose and do not continue if you suffer a reaction. But research the possibilities; there are always other possibilities. We are all biological entities, and as such are vulnerable to deterioration; however the other side of that coin is that we can use nature to help heal us and to help to re-align our physical bodies into optimal health.